# Chain Management Module Design Document

# Overall description

# 1.1 Module Overview

# 1.1.1 Why should I have the "chain management" module?

[^Description]: Reasons for the existence of the module

In nuls 1.0, there is only one chain (nuls main network), so no chain management module is needed.

In nuls 2.0, the nuls main network can register other parallel chain information, including:

  • Chains in the nuls ecosystem: Derived from the same set of code as the nuls main network.
  • Other chains: Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.

The Chain Management module is used to manage all parallel links to the nuls main network.


  • nuls main network: The architecture is different from nuls 1.0, which is another chain that runs independently, also known as nuls 2.0. "Chain Management" is one of the modules of the nuls main network.
  • Parallel chain: other chains registered on the nuls main network

Hypothesis 1: Parallel chain a, which owns assets a

Hypothesis 2: Parallel chain b, which owns asset b

  • Cross-chain trading:
    • Parallel chain a turns asset a to parallel chain b
    • Parallel chain b internal transfer of assets a
    • Parallel chain b turns asset a back to parallel chain a
    • Parallel chain b transfers asset a to other parallel chains (c, d, etc.)
  • Non-chain trades:
    • Parallel chain a internal transfer of assets a
    • Parallel chain b internal transfer of assets b

Remarks: Regardless of the assets in the chain or the assets outside the chain, as long as the assets are traded across the chain, the main network needs to be confirmed.

# 1.1.2 What to do with "Chain Management"

[^Description]: What does the module do and what it aims to achieve, the goal is to let non-technical personnel know what to do

The Chain Management module is used to manage the basic information of the chain that joins the nuls main network, including:

  • Register a new parallel chain
  • Destroy existing parallel chains
  • Query parallel chain information
  • Parallel chain increases asset type
  • Parallel chain destruction asset type
  • Cross-chain asset verification

# 1.1.3 "Chain Management" positioning in the system

[^Description]: The positioning of the module in the system, what role, which modules to rely on, what can be done, what can be used to do

The module that Chain Management relies heavily on:

  • Core module
  • Network module
  • Transaction management module
  • Account module

"chain management" weakly dependent modules:

  • Event bus module

# 1.2 Module internal architecture diagram

[^Description]: Graphic description module hierarchy, component relationship, and description by text

# Functional design

# 2.1 Functional Architecture

[^Description]: Describes the functional design of the module, which can have a hierarchical relationship, which can be displayed in the form of a graphic and illustrated with text.

# 2.2 Module Service

[^Description]: Here, which services are provided by the module, the function description of each service, the process description, and the external services depended on the implementation of the interface definition.

# 2.2.1 Registering a new chain

  • Function Description:

    The nuls main network will provide an entry (web page) through which you can register a new parallel link to the nuls main network.

    Registering a parallel chain must contain a registered asset.

  • Process description

Step description:

  1. The user registers the registration chain information with the terminal and the asset information initialized with the chain.

  2. The chain management module performs the encapsulation of the chain transaction and sends it to the transaction module.During the period, you need to obtain account balance and transaction nonce value through the ledger module.

And verify the correctness of the account through the account module.

After the transaction is sent, the success or failure information is returned to the user. When successful, the information includes the main network cross-chain seed node and the primary network seed certifier list information.

  1. The trading module will perform a callback of the data check during the transaction process.

  2. The chain management module performs registration data submission through the transaction module callback "commit chain registration transaction" interface.

  3. The chain management module stores the data and sends the registration information to the network module and the cross-chain protocol module.

  4. The registration chain requires 1000nuls, of which 20% is directly destroyed, 80% is used for mortgages, and is returned when assets are deleted.

  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    Register friendchain information with the chain management module.

        method : cm_chainReg
    • Request example
            "chainId": 152,
            "assetId": 2,
            "chainName": "nuls chain",
            "addressType": "1",
            "assetName": "NAS",
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int Chain Identification
    assetId true int asset id
    chainName true string chain name
    magicNumber true string Network Magic Parameters
    minAvailableNodeNum false int minimum number of available nodes
    addressPrefix true String Address Prefix
    txConfirmBlockNum false int Transaction Confirmation Blocks
    maxSignatureCount true int Maximum Signatures
    signatureBFTRatio true int Byzantine ratio [67-100]
    verifierList true String Initial Authenticator List for the Registration Chain
    symbol true string Asset Symbol
    assetName true string asset name
    initNumber true string Asset Initial Value
    decimalPlaces true int Minimum Assets Separable Digits
    address true string create the primary network address of the chain
    password true string password for private key
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


      Unified rpc standard format
        "mainNetVerifierSeeds" : "tNULSeBaMkrt4z9FYEkkR9D6choPVvQr94oYZp",
        "txHash" : "25b3a57507086d5d895895b41ef744a160f3251f4e5db118b7ca833eb6c9fff3",
        "mainNetCrossConnectSeeds" : ""
    • Return field description

    parameter type description
    mainNetVerifierSeeds String #主网认证者列表

    TxHash String hash Trading | mainNetCrossConnectSeeds | String | #main network cross-chain seed connection node|

  • Dependent service

    [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

    • Network Management Module
    • Transaction management module, send transaction
    • Book module to obtain account information
    • Account module

# 2.2.2 Unregistering existing parallel chains

  • Function Description:

    The nuls main network will provide an entry (web page) through which you can log out existing friends.

  • Process description

  1. The chain is created with the asset, so the logout chain must be checked for assets. Only the last asset will be deleted and the chain will be logged off.

  2. Conditions for determining whether to allow cancellation:

Assets and chains exist.

There is only one last asset with the chain.

Chain assets have n% of assets in their own main chain.

  1. The chain management module performs the encapsulation of the chain transaction and sends it to the transaction module.

During the period, you need to obtain the account balance and the transaction nonce value through the ledger module.

  1. The transaction module will perform a data verification callback during the transaction processing.

  2. The chain management module performs the logout data submission by the transaction module callback "commit chain cancellation transaction" interface.

  3. The chain management module stores the data and sends the registration information to the network module.

  4. Deleting the chain with the cancelled assets will return 80% of the mortgage deposit.

  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    The friend chain information is logged out to the chain management module (the asset logout interface is called because the chain is logged off with the last asset).

        method : cm_assetDisable
    • Request example
            "chainId": 152,
            "assetId": 45,
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int Chain Identification
    assetId true int asset id
    address true string Create the main network account address of the chain
    password true string password for private key
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


      Unified rpc standard format
          "txHash" : "25b3a57507086d5d895895b41ef744a160f3251f4e5db118b7ca833eb6c9fff3"
    • Return field description

    parameter type description
    txHash String Trading hash
  • Dependent service

    [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

    • Network Management Module
    • Transaction management module, send transaction
    • Book module, checkbook information

# 2.2.3 Adding asset information

  • Function Description:

    The nuls main network will provide an entry (web page) through which to select the chain and register assets.

  • Process description

Step description:

  1. The user enters the asset information through the terminal selection chain and the chain: whether the assets overlap.

  2. The chain management module performs the encapsulation of the chain transaction and sends it to the transaction module.

During the period, you need to obtain the account balance and the transaction nonce value through the ledger module.

  1. The trading module will perform a callback of the data check during the transaction process.

  2. The chain management module performs registration data submission through the transaction module callback "commit asset registration transaction" interface.

  3. Registered assets receive 1000nuls, 20% of which are directly destroyed, 80% used for mortgage, and returned when assets are deleted.

  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    Register asset information with the chain management module.

        method : cm_assetReg
    • Request example
            "chainId": 152,
            "assetName": "NAS",
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int Chain Identification
    symbol true string Asset Symbol
    assetName true string asset name
    initNumber true string Asset Initial Value
    decimalPlaces true int Minimum Assets Separable Digits
    address true string create the primary network address of the chain
    password true string password for private key
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


      Unified rpc standard format
          "txHash" : "25b3a57507086d5d895895b41ef744a160f3251f4e5db118b7ca833eb6c9fff3"
    • Return field description

    parameter type description
    txHash String Trading hash
  • Dependent service

    [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

    • Transaction management module, send transaction
    • Book module to obtain account information
    • Account module verification

# 2.2.4 Parallel chain asset write-off

  • Function Description:

    The nuls main network will provide an entry (web page) through which the asset can be destroyed for the specified friend chain.

  • Process description

    1. When there are multiple assets registered, the single asset is allowed to be written off. If there is only one asset, the asset is written off along with the chain.

      1. Conditions for determining whether to allow cancellation:

    There are multiple assets in the chain.

    Chain assets have n% of assets in their own main chain.

    1. The chain management module performs the encapsulation of the chain transaction and sends it to the transaction module.

    During the period, you need to obtain the account balance and the transaction nonce value through the ledger module.

    1. The transaction module will perform a data verification callback during the transaction processing.

    2. The chain management module performs the logout data submission by the transaction module callback "commit chain cancellation transaction" interface.

    3. The cancellation of the assets will be refunded 80% of the mortgage deposit.

  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    Log out the asset information to the chain management module.

        method : cm_assetDisable
    • Request example
            "chainId": 152,
            "assetId": 45,
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int Chain Identification
    assetId true int asset id
    address true string Create the main network account address of the chain
    password true string password for private key
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


      Unified rpc standard format
          "txHash" : "25b3a57507086d5d895895b41ef744a160f3251f4e5db118b7ca833eb6c9fff3"
    • Return field description

    parameter type description
    • Dependent service

      [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

      • Transaction management module, send transaction
      • Book module, checkbook information

# 2.2.5 Chain asset verification for cross-chain transactions

  • Function Description:

    When the transaction module generates a cross-chain transaction, the interface is called to perform cross-chain asset verification.

  • Process description

    1. Check chain and assets are registered normally in the cross-chain module
    2. Verify that the amount of assets on the chain is overdrawn.
    3. Verify that the asset status is normal.
  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    Submit verification to chain management when cross-chain assets are in circulation

        method : cm_assetCirculateValidator
    • Request example
            "chainId": 12345,   
            "txHex": "FFAABB214324"       
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int chain id
    txHex true String Transaction HEX Value
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


      Unified rpc standard format
    • Return field description

    parameter type description
  • Dependent service

    [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

    • Transaction management module, cross-chain transaction check call

# 2.2.6 Chain asset submission for cross-chain trading

  • Function Description:

    When a block submission is made through a verified transaction, the trading module will assemble and cross-chain transactions to the cross-chain management module.

    Used to change chain assets and used for the management of chain assets.

  • Process description

    1. Call the cm_assetCirculateCommit interface directly
  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    When the cross-chain asset is circulated, the transaction can be submitted to the chain management when the verification is passed and the confirmation is submitted.

        method : cm_assetCirculateCommit
    • Request example
            "txHexList": "[FFAABB214324,FFAABB214324]" ,
             "blockHeaderDigest": "FFAABB214324"
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int chain id
    txHexList true array HEX value of the transaction
    blockHeaderDigest true array Block Header Information
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


      Unified rpc standard format
    • Return field description

    parameter type description
  • Dependent service

    [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

    • Transaction management module, cross-chain trading call

    # 2.2.7 Chain asset rollback for cross-chain trading

    • Function Description:

      Used for block transaction rollback

    • Process description

      1. Call the cm_assetCirculateRollBack interface directly
    • Interface definition

      • Interface Description

              method : cm_assetCirculateRollBack
      • Request example

              "txHexList": "[FFAABB214324,FFAABB214324]" ,
               "blockHeaderDigest": "FFAABB214324" 
      • Request parameter description
      parameter required type description
      chainId true int chain id
      txHexList true array HEX List of Transactions
      blockHeaderDigest true array Block Header Information
      • Return to example

      • Failed

        Unified rpc standard format


        Unified rpc standard format
      • Return field description

      parameter type description
    • Dependent service

      [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

      • Transaction management module, cross-chain trading call

# 2.2.8 Registration of chain management transaction processing functions

  • Function Description:

    When the module is started, registration of the transaction callback function is required, so that the transaction module performs callback processing when performing related type transaction processing.

    The registration function is divided into 4 categories: 1> Transaction Verification 2> Transaction Submission 3> Transaction Rollback 4> Module Bulk Transaction Verification in One Block

  • Process description

    1. Chain management module starts
    2. Determine whether the transaction module rpc call status is accessible.
    3. Submit the callback interface
  • Interface definition

    See the "Registering a Transaction" section in the Transaction Module Design Document.

  • Dependent service

    [^Description]: What are the services that the text description depends on, and what to do

    • Transaction management module

# 2.2.9 Query chain information

  • Function Description:

    Query registration chain information

  • Process description


  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    Query the registration friend chain information.

        method : cm_chain
    • Request example
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int Chain Identification
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


        "chainId" : 3,
        "chainName" : "testchain",
        "addressType" : "1",
        "addressPrefix" : "TBTC",
        "magicNumber" : 123456,
        "minAvailableNodeNum" : 5,
        "txConfirmedBlockNum" : 0,
        "regAddress" : "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
        "regTxHash" : "6c29d99c2b02cfc766ef25bee2ea619610a5fce1d778c3038885111f590ae312",
        "createTime" : 1557739548367,
        "verifierList" : [ "TBTCdusmPf5EfdEwbA8nRZEYqMbRXKp6y3oCb" ],
        "signatureByzantineRatio" : 67,
        "maxSignatureCount" : 12,
        "selfAssetKeyList" : [ "3-10" ],
        "totalAssetKeyList" : [ "3-10" ],
        "mainNetVerifierSeeds" : "tNULSeBaMkrt4z9FYEkkR9D6choPVvQr94oYZp",
        "mainNetCrossConnectSeeds" : "",
        "enable" : true
    • Return parameter description

      parameter required type description
      chainId true int Chain Identification
      assetId true int asset id
      chainName true string chain name
      addressType true int The address type of the account created on the chain: 1 within the ecological 2 non-ecological
      addressPrefix true string address prefix 1-5 uppercase letters or numbers
      magicNumber true string Network Magic Parameters
      minAvailableNodeNum true int Minimum number of available nodes
      txConfirmBlockNum true int Transaction Confirmation Blocks
      regAddress true string Registered Payment Address
      regTxHash true string transaction hash
      createTime true long Transaction submission time, 1970 seconds difference
      verifierList true string Authenticator List
      signatureByzantineRatio true int Byzantine ratio [67-100]
      maxSignatureCount true int Maximum Signatures
      symbol true string Asset Symbol
      assetName true string asset name
      initNumber true string Asset Initial Value
      decimalPlaces true int Minimum Assets Separable Digits
      mainNetVerifierSeeds true string main network seed certifier address
      mainNetCrossConnectSeeds true string Primary Network Seed Connection Node Address
      enable true string Whether in use
  • Dependent service


# 2.2.10 Querying asset information under the chain

  • Function Description:

    Query information about a chain asset.

  • Process description


  • Interface definition

    • Interface Description

    Query the asset management module for an asset information.

        method : cm_asset
    • Request example
    • Request parameter description
    parameter required type description
    chainId true int Chain Identification
    assetId true int asset id
    • Return to example


      Unified rpc standard format


        "chainId" : 10,
        "assetId" : 2,
        "symbol" : "CCY",
        "assetName" : "yuer",
        "depositNuls" : "100000000000",
        "destroyNuls" : "20000000000",
        "initNumber" : "30000000000",
        "decimalPlaces" : 2,
        "enable" : false,
        "createTime" : 1565229429,
        "address" : "tNULSeBaMqywZjfSrKNQKBfuQtVxAHBQ8rB2Zn",
        "txHash" : "612eda872c6ca16c5a5f63cce70a64ac15852e2b3a403309b0d963d22d6391bc"
    • Return field description

      parameter required type description
      chainId true int Chain Identification
      assetId true int asset id
      <symbol> true string Asset abbreviation eg BTC
      assetName true string asset name
      depositNuls true long Number of mortgaged main network assets
      destroyNuls true long Number of primary network assets destroyed
      initNumber true string Asset Initial Value
      decimalPlaces true int Asset Cuts
      enable true boolean Is available true available, false disabled
      createTime true long Transaction time
      address true String Transaction Payment Address
      txHash true String Trading hash
  • Dependent service


# Event description

[^Description]: Try to avoid communication by using events in business processes

  • Chain registration event
  • Chain logout event
  • Add asset event
  • Write off asset events

# Agreement

# 4.1 Network Communication Protocol


# 4.2 Trading Agreement

# 4.2.1 Registering a new friend chain

Compared with the general transaction, only the type and txData are different, the specific difference is as follows

Transaction type definition: 10101

txData definition

Length Fields Type Remark
2 chainId uint16 Chain Id
? name byte[] Chain Name
1 addressType uint8 Address Type
5 addressPrefix byte[] Address Prefix
4 magicNumber uint32 Magic Parameters
1 supportInflowAsset uint8 Whether to spend asset inflows
2 minAvailableNodeNum uint16 Minimum Available Nodes
? verifierList byte[] Authenticator List
2 signatureByzantineRatio uint16 Byzantine Proportion
2 maxSignatureCount uint16 Maximum Signatures
? address byte[] Account Address
2 assetId uint16 Asset id
? symbol byte[] Unit
? assetName byte[] Asset Name
2 depositNuls uint16 Mortgage NULS Quantity
48 initNumber Biginteger Initial Assets
1 decimalPlaces uint8 Minimum Split Number of Assets
# 4.2.2 Unregistering existing friends

Compared with the general transaction, only the type and txData are different, the specific difference is as follows

Transaction type definition: 10102

txData definition: same as 4.2.1 chain registration transaction

# 4.2.3 Adding a friend chain asset

Compared with the general transaction, only the type and txData are different, the specific difference is as follows

Transaction type definition: 10103

txData definition:

Length Fields Type Remark
2 chainId uint16 Chain Id
2 assetId uint16 Asset id
? symbol byte[] Unit
? assetName byte[] Asset Name
2 depositNuls uint16 Mortgage NULS Quantity
48 initNumber Biginteger Initial Assets
1 decimalPlaces uint8 Minimum Split Number of Assets
? address byte[] Account Address
# 4.2.2 Unregistering existing assets

Compared with the general transaction, only the type and txData are different, the specific difference is as follows

Transaction type definition: 10104

txData definition: new transaction with 4.2.3 asset

# Module Configuration

[^Description]: This module must have configuration items

language = en
encoding = UTF-8

rocksdb.datapath = ../data

asset_symbol_max = 5
asset_name_max = 20
asset_depositNuls = 200000
asset_depositNuls_destroy_rate = 0.2
asset_depositNuls_lock_rate = 0.8
asset_initNumber_min = 10000
asset_initNumber_max = 100000000
asset_decimalPlaces_min = 4
asset_decimalPlaces_max = 8
asset_recovery_rate = 0.9

nuls_chain_id = 8964
nuls_chain_name = nuls chain
nuls_asset_id = 1
nuls_asset_initNumber_max = 100000000
nuls_asset_symbol = NULS

# Java-specific design

[^Description]: Core object class definition, storage data structure, ...

# Supplementary content

[^Description]: Required content not covered above

Last Updated: 9/9/2019, 7:49:52 PM